Singh was born on December 10, 1995, in Baloke, a village located in the Barnala district of Punjab, India that had a population of only about 800, in a Sikh family. Both Singh's Father, Balbir, and his paternal grandfather were wheat farmers and millers, and the family's house was located four miles from the closest paved road. In the mid-1980s, while in his childhood, Singh's Father became the tallest person in his village and his tremendous height caused the general public to advise him to start playing basketball in cities that had the proper facilities. The sport received little interest in India compared to cricket, field hockey, and soccer, however, and his Father denied these overtures and wanted his son to follow his footsteps as a farmer. Balbir stayed in his hometown and was elected head of the village. He married and had three children, the middle child being Satnam.