# | Quote |
1 | My brother loved a row. |
2 | I would like to leave but I can't, I'm too old. |
3 | The Truth is not popular, but it is the case. |
4 | I have a pretty low opinion of Politically Imposed Equality. |
5 | I'm in favour of the Criminal Law banning certain acts, but banning people from thinking, saying or believing things seems to me to be repulsive. |
6 | UKIP to me has always been a sort of Dad's Army Party without any serious existence. |
7 | A large part of Educational Policies in this Country are to hide unemployment. |
8 | I think Education is the key to happiness. |
9 | I'm an Extremist because I hold the views that were Mainstream 50 years ago. |
10 | [Blarite Policy] "There must not be Academic Selection in this Country" Why not? Because it contradicts the dogma of egalitarianism. Most people in this Country have bought the idea that egalitarianism is good. |
11 | [Psychiatric Medication] An alarm bell should be sounded, this could be another Thalidomide. |
12 | Concern for your neighbour! A lot of the Left's claims for moral supremacy are because they've borrowed so much from Christianity. Turn them from individual laws of self governance into Political Principles. They're trying to replace the individual conscience with the Social Conscience. They don't have a Political Origin, they have a Religious Origin. All Serious Systems of Thought are Jewish Heresies. |
13 | Utopia is only approached across a Sea of Blood and you never get there. I've lived in Utopia.... |
14 | I will not use the word Brexit, it sounds like a Laxative Breakfast Cereal. |
15 | The trouble with this [Country] is that it doesn't realize how lucky it's been. |
16 | I've never seen a Country more bent upon its own ruin, socially, morally and politically, and I've seen a lot of Countries. |
17 | [Theology debate, exasperated] No wonder nobody goes to Churches if THIS is what they think goes on in Churches! |
18 | The next proper History of this Country will be written in Chinese. |
19 | Political Correctness may make people better behaved, but it becomes malign when it makes certain things unsayable and therefore certain thoughts unthinkable. |
20 | [Obesity Epidemic] Psychology is not exactly a hard science! |
21 | It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without offending another Englishman. |
22 | Silencing opponents is a very wicked thing to want to do. |
23 | I could carve a better Culture Secretary than you out of a Banana. |
24 | You are engaging in Phony Outrage, which is what your Party always does. |
25 | This Government has done nothing for the Education of the poor. |
26 | They are two corpses with rigor mortis. The Labour Party is only held together by its hatred of the Conservatives, the Conservatives are only held together by other people's money. |
27 | Most of these things happen because people don't know what they're talking about. In my experience, most people don't know what they're talking about because they don't bother to check. |
28 | The Conservative Party is an Organization to give jobs to the sons of Gentlemen. |
29 | I wouldn't stick around here. I've never seen a more doomed society, and I've lived in a doomed society... everything is running out. |
30 | That sort of thing is rightfully dismissed as "Virtue Signalling". Anyone can say they're against bad things, but that doesn't give you an idea of what kind of person they are. |
31 | All these people on benefits, they're not sick, they've just been forced out of work! |
32 | I have no problem with a Multi Racial Society! But it should have one Culture. |
33 | The Church of England has abandoned individual conscience in favour of Social Conscience. |
34 | All Politically Significant Statistics are fiddled. |
35 | I still think we should Leave, we're just doing it wrong. We're jumping over the wall and getting our trousers caught on the Barbed Wire. |
36 | I accept that Protectionism would result in reduced quality of life. I think it's the price to pay to have everyone working, as opposed to delivering pizzas and selling each other cappuccinos. |
37 | University expansion under what was happening to this Country under John Major and the Blair Terror concealed Youth Unemployment and got them to pay their own unemployment benefit by borrowing it! Extend the school leaving age to 22! |
38 | In the era I'm nostalgic for, the 1950s, everything was made in this Country. Now none of it is. |
39 | To create a Selective Education System in this Country you'd need 3000 new Grammar Schools. Theresa May might create a dozen... |
40 | I can carve a better Prime Minister out of a Banana than David Cameron was. |
41 | Old fashioned moral conservatives hardly know what has hit them. Many of them still act as if arguments about sex, drugs and rock and roll can be conducted on the basis of old fashioned right and wrong. It's like watching the Charge of the Light Brigade as they gallop to their doom amid the cries of "bigot!", torn to shreds by near universal disapproval. Anyone who tries to express certain conservative views, the most obvious in the modern world is disapproval of same-sex marriage but there are others, often meets not with reasoned argument but with a verbal assault which suggests that his opinion is a personal failing or a pathology. You might call it liberal bigotry. |
42 | No man fights freedom as such but he often seeks to limit the freedom of others, to do things and to say things. As we demolish the old stigmas enforced by family and neighbours, we created new ones, encouraged by government and policed by the media. No doubt we have been needlessly cruel in the past, punishing our fellow creatures with disapproval and ostracism. But we must now be careful not to be unjust in the present or oppressive in the future. |
43 | [on "Please Release Me" by Engelbert Humperdinck] Some of you may remember this rather dreary song, the real revolutionary anthem of the Sixties. Far more influential than Bob Dylan, so popular that it stopped The Beatles reaching number one in the charts, inescapable in any public place for the whole of 1967, scorched onto my cerebral cortex. What was Engelbert Humperdinck so keen to be released from? Why did so many people feel the same way? By 1967, the British people were getting sick of the world of sticking it out for fear of what the neighbours might say. They'd had rationing and restraint and self discipline up to here and they couldn't really see why they had to put up with it anymore. It was the slow death of a whole moral system. |
44 | If I never again had to read or write a word about homosexuals, I would be very happy. I really don't want to know what other people do in their bedrooms. But these days they really, really want us all to know. And, more important, they insist that we approve. |
45 | I now discover that I am almost the only journalist who didn't know that Jimmy Savile was a child molester. If they all knew, why didn't they tell you? And what, exactly, is the point of the police investigating the misdeeds of a corpse? What will they do if they find a case to answer? Refer it to the CPS? Put his cadaver on trial and send it to prison? Well, let them explain all that. What's much, much more important is that you now know that there is a lot going on that nobody tells you. They don't tell you because they're scared that very rich men can use the libel courts to ruin those who tell the truth about them. Remember Robert Maxwell? He's dead, too. But do you think he has no living equivalents? They don't tell you because there are powerful commercial or political interests involved. Or because journalists themselves have bad consciences. Or because a lie is much more comforting and convenient than the truth. |
46 | I've got no sense of humor at all. Laughter is not about people being happy, laughter is about groups feeling a sense of togetherness, laughter is often about saying something very nasty in a way that you can get away with. |
47 | In the 1960s we chose the wrong future and we are still living with that. |