A classic winter warmer, this version from the world-renowned Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog, a wonderful Irish bar in New York, was adapted from legendary bartender Dale DeGroff.
You'll need two 8-inch glass stemmed (heatproof) mugs. You may not use all the cream; the amount given below makes it easy to whip.
Storage: The demerara syrup can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.
Adapted from the Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog, an Irish bar in New York.
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measuring cupServings: 2
Time Icon Total: 18 minsStep 1
In a medium liquid measuring cup with a spout, beat the heavy cream until slightly fluffy but still pourable.
Step 2
In a pitcher, combine the coffee, syrup and whiskey, stirring until well incorporated. Divide evenly between the mugs. Working with one drink at a time, pour the whipped cream gently over the back of a spoon held directly over each mug, letting the cream cascade onto the surface of the coffee until that layer is no thicker than 1/2 inch.
Step 3
Serve right away.
To make the rich demerara syrup, combine 2 cups demerara sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Cook for 2 minutes, then remove from the heat and cool completely. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to use.
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Nutritional Facts
Per serving (using 6 tablespoons heavy cream)
17 g
Saturated Fat
10 g
10 g
20 mg
60 mg
10 g
This analysis is an estimate based on available ingredients and this preparation. It should not substitute for a dietitian’s or nutritionist’s advice.
Adapted from the Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog, an Irish bar in New York.
Tested by M. Carrie Allan.
Published March 12, 2017
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