In short, it is a fee the dealer charges you for handling all of the paperwork involved with the sale. Not all CarMax locations charge a dealer fee; about 50% of the CarMax dealerships we contacted said they do not charge a processing fee or a dealer fee.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, will CarMax waive transfer fee?Once you go for a test drive, you can either buy the car or move on (but CarMax will not extend the hold). You can transfer a car from just about any CarMax location, although the cost goes up the further away it is. Transfer fees range from free to $999 and are not refundable nor can they be applied to the sale price.One may also ask, can you negotiate price with CarMax? They won’t negotiate the price of the car you’re buying, but they will slightly negotiate the price of a car you sell to them. In order to achieve this, you must first discuss the car you want to buy. Beside above, does CarMax charge extra fees? for new and used cars, and very non-negotiable. Carmax does not charge any dealer doc fee for used vehicles. In states , i.e., MD, WI, where they sell new vehicles they charge $99.Is CarMax a ripoff?As far as CarMax goes, its not a scam. Lots of dealerships claim to be “one-price” dealerships, meaning they do not negotiate on their prices. I just bought from carmax actually. They have a thirty-day warranty on most of their cars if not all of them.