The Sheriff’s station ‘set’ was previously a bank, but when the crew got to it, it was merely a wide open space. The Pharmacy that Autumn visits was the converted foyer of an art gallery. The crew of Outer Range built many details in pre existing buildings. Everything from jail cells, to the interior of the bar was constructed from the ground up. Every prop was meticulously chosen, and every single piece of furniture had to be aged.
Yet one of the best peeks behind the curtain was the reveal that the Abbott Ranch house was completely built from scratch. The barn, the farmhouse, everything you see on that ranch other than the massive portal in the ground of the pasture, was built by the production.
“It’s called Buena Vista ranch in Buena Vista, New Mexico,” McCrossen says. “It’s north of Las Vegas, In beautiful northern New Mexico. It’s a family ranch, where there were no existing structures”.
To make the build even more exhausting, an exact replica of the house was built on a sound stage in Albuquerque, but McCrossen drives home that the show “couldn’t have done it without the ranch owners”. McCrossen, as a native of New Mexico wanted to ensure the Buena Vista ranch, the land, and the entire community was treated with the same respect they showed the cast and crew.
“They, of course, have access roads that they use so that they can move cattle and repair fences and whatnot, and the show had some leeway so we could create a drive up to the house, but we very much tried to stay to existing roads on the ranch, so that we wouldn’t unnecessarily destroy grassland. It’s important not to leave a mark if you can help it”.
This story would be remiss if it weren’t mentioned that the town of Las Vegas, a lot of the land surrounding the area, and the Buena Vista Ranch themselves are currently in very serious danger due to the wildfires raging in that area. The fire, when last reported, was only approximately 10 miles from the family ranch.