With Nour Wazzi at the helm, Netflix’s ‘Locked In’ is a psychological thriller movie that centers upon a newlywed woman named Lina who finds herself unsatisfied and unhappy with her marriage, mostly due to her rich and cold-hearted mother-in-law, Katherine. When the two go head-to-head against one another, it sets off an intense yet deadly chain reaction that results in infidelity, betrayal, murder, and a complicated love triangle.
While Katherine tries her best to bring Lina down, it is difficult to judge who the real victim is in this engrossing tale between the two women. Featuring impressive onscreen performances from a talented ensemble cast, comprising Famke Janssen, Rose Williams, Alex Hassell, Finn Cole, and Anna Friel, the thriller film unfolds in several interesting sites. Thus, it is bound to make the viewers wonder where exactly ‘Locked In’ was filmed.
Locked In Filming Locations
‘Locked In’ was filmed in its entirety in England, specifically in London and St. Albans. According to reports, production of the thriller took place over the course of a couple of months, from December 2022 to February 2023. Now, let’s not waste any time and get a detailed account of all the specific locations that make an appearance in the Netflix production!
London, England
A significant portion of ‘Locked In’ was lensed in and around London, the capital of England as well as the United Kingdom. The production team traveled across the city and set up camp in various neighborhoods and streets to tape some important scenes against suitable backdrops. Many interior shots were recorded inside actual establishments as the cast and crew members of the Nour Wazzi directorial took over several properties for shooting purposes.
As far as the exterior scenes are concerned, including establishing shots, they were mostly filmed on location in different areas of the capital. Lying on the River Thames in the southeastern part of England, London served as the ideal filming site for ‘Locked In,’ given the vastness and diversity of landscapes that the city possesses. Since the capital is home to some iconic and recognizable landmarks, including the Tower Bridge, London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, and Trafalgar Square, it is possible that you might spot a few of them in the backdrop of some scenes. Apart from ‘Locked In,’ London has hosted the production of a number of film and TV projects, such as ‘Eyes Wide Shut,’ ‘Heart of Stone,’ ‘Red Sparrow,’ ‘Top Boy,’ and ‘Slow Horses.’
St. Albans, England
For the purpose of shooting, the filming unit of ‘Locked In’ also traveled to the city of St. Albans, where they recorded several pivotal sequences. In particular, St. Albans Cathedral on Cathedral, Sumpter Yard in St. Albans served as one of the prominent production locations for the Finn Cole starrer. While many vans were parked outside the cathedral during the shoot, they were also spotted on St. Peter’s Street, specifically in and around the Market Square. Furthermore, the director and his team set up camp near The Boot on Market Place in St. Albans. The cathedral city consists of several historical and cultural monuments, including the Town Hall, the Clock Tower, and St. Michael’s Church, some of which may or may not appear in the movie.